Source code for senseye_cameras.output.video_file

import ffmpeg
import logging
from pathlib import Path

from . file import File

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VideoFile(File): ''' Records video to a file. Automatically detects the correct codec to use based on the path suffix. Supported suffixes: ``.avi``, ``.mp4``, ``.mkv``, ``.yuv``, ``.raw`` Args: path (str): Output path of video. config (dict): Configuration dictionary. Accepted keywords: fps (int) pixel_format (str): pixel format of the incoming raw video codec (str) format (str): defaults to 'rawvideo' res (tuple) ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): defaults = { 'fps': 30, 'format': 'rawvideo', 'pixel_format': 'rgb24', 'output_pixel_format': 'rgb24', 'file_codec': {}, 'res': (1280, 720) } self.process = None File.__init__(self, defaults=defaults, **kwargs)
[docs] def open(self): if Path(self.path).suffix == '.raw': else: self.generate_file_codec() self.initialize_ffmpeg()
[docs] def generate_file_codec(self): '''Determines a good codec to use based on path.suffix.''' codec_lookup = { '.avi': {'vcodec': 'huffyuv'}, '.mp4': {'vcodec': 'libx264', 'crf': 17, 'preset': 'ultrafast'}, '.mkv': {'vcodec': 'h264', 'crf': 23, 'preset': 'ultrafast'}, '.yuv': {'vcodec': 'rawvideo'} } suffix = Path(self.path).suffix self.config['file_codec'] = codec_lookup.get(suffix, None) if self.config['file_codec'] is None: raise Exception(f'File extension {suffix} not supported.')
[docs] def initialize_ffmpeg(self): '''Initializes ffmpeg.''' # only include pixel_format and size if we're encoding raw video. raw_args = dict( pix_fmt=self.config.get('pixel_format'), s=f'{self.config.get("res")[0]}x{self.config.get("res")[1]}' ) if self.config['format'] == 'rawvideo' else {} self.process = ( ffmpeg .input( 'pipe:', format=self.config.get('format'), framerate=self.config.get('fps'), **raw_args ) .output( self.tmp_path, **self.config.get('file_codec'), ) # hide logging .global_args('-loglevel', 'error', '-hide_banner') .overwrite_output() .run_async(pipe_stdin=True) )'Running command: {" ".join(self.process.args)}') self.output = self.process.stdin
[docs] def close(self): if self.process and self.process.poll() == None: try: self.process.communicate(timeout=5) except Exception as e: log.warning(f'Failed to end process cleanly with error {e}. Killing...') self.process.kill() outs, errs = self.process.communicate() log.error(f'Process kill results: {errs}') File.close(self)