Source code for senseye_cameras.input.camera_ueye

import time
import random
import logging
import numpy as np
    from pyueye import ueye
    ueye = None

from . input import Input

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CameraUeye(Input): ''' Camera that interfaces with ueye cameras. Args: id (int): Id of the ueye camera. config (dict): Configuration dictionary. Accepted keywords: fps (int): desired frames per second exposure (str): desired exposure autofocus (bool): whether to enable autofocus autogain (bool): whether to enable autogain focus_min (int): autofocus lower bound focus_max (int): autofocus upper bound focus for 10 inches is ~780 focus for 20 inches is ~900 ''' def __init__(self, id=0, config=None): if ueye is None: raise ImportError('Ueye failed to import. Ueye camera initialization failed.') config = config or {} defaults = { 'fps': 60, 'exposure': 60, 'autofocus': 1, 'autogain': 1, 'format': 'rawvideo', 'focus_min': None, 'focus_max': None, } Input.__init__(self, id=id, config=config, defaults=defaults) self.input = ueye.HIDS(
[docs] def initialize_dimensions(self): ''' Gets dimensions of the camera. Sets: self.width self.height ''''Getting camera dimensions...') rectAOI = ueye.IS_RECT() nRet = ueye.is_AOI(self.input, ueye.IS_AOI_IMAGE_GET_AOI, rectAOI, ueye.sizeof(rectAOI)) if nRet != ueye.IS_SUCCESS: log.error("is_AOI ERROR") self.width = rectAOI.s32Width self.height = rectAOI.s32Height self.config['res'] = (self.width.value, self.height.value)
[docs] def initialize_color_mode(self): ''' Initializes color mode. Sets: self.m_nColorMode self.bits_per_pixel self.bytes_per_pixel ''' # get color mode sensor_info = ueye.SENSORINFO() color_mode = int.from_bytes(sensor_info.nColorMode.value, byteorder='big') self.m_nColorMode = ueye.INT() # determine the number of bits/bytes per pixel through the color mode bits_per_pixel = ueye.INT(24) if color_mode == ueye.IS_COLORMODE_BAYER: # setup the color depth to the current windows setting ueye.is_GetColorDepth(self.input, bits_per_pixel, self.m_nColorMode) # TODO: unimplemented bayer pixel format elif color_mode == ueye.IS_COLORMODE_CBYCRY: self.m_nColorMode = ueye.IS_CM_BGRA8_PACKED bits_per_pixel = ueye.INT(32) # TODO: test this once we get a suitable camera self.config['pixel_format'] = 'bgra' else: self.m_nColorMode = ueye.IS_CM_MONO8 bits_per_pixel = ueye.INT(8) self.config['pixel_format'] = 'gray' self.bytes_per_pixel = int(bits_per_pixel / 8) self.bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel
[docs] def initialize_memory(self): ''' Allocates image memory. Sets: self.mem_id self.mem_image ''' mem_id = mem_image = ueye.c_mem_p() nRet = ueye.is_AllocImageMem(self.input, self.width, self.height, self.bits_per_pixel, mem_image, mem_id) if nRet != ueye.IS_SUCCESS: log.error("is_AllocImageMem ERROR") else: # Makes the specified image memory the active memory nRet = ueye.is_SetImageMem(self.input, mem_image, mem_id) if nRet != ueye.IS_SUCCESS: log.error("is_SetImageMem ERROR") else: # Set the desired color mode nRet = ueye.is_SetColorMode(self.input, self.m_nColorMode) self.mem_id = mem_id self.mem_image = mem_image
[docs] def initialize_modes(self): ''' Enables live video mode. Enables queue mode. Sets: self.pitch ''' # Activates the camera's live video mode (free run mode) nRet = ueye.is_CaptureVideo(self.input, ueye.IS_DONT_WAIT) if nRet != ueye.IS_SUCCESS: log.error("is_CaptureVideo ERROR") # Enables the queue mode for existing image memory sequences self.pitch = ueye.INT() nRet = ueye.is_InquireImageMem(self.input, self.mem_image, self.mem_id, self.width, self.height, self.bits_per_pixel, self.pitch) if nRet != ueye.IS_SUCCESS: log.error("is_InquireImageMem ERROR")
[docs] def initialize_camera_settings(self): '''Sets pixel_clock, fps, exposure, autofocus, autogain based on self.config.''' # get max pixel clock pixel_clock_range = (ueye.c_uint * 3)() ret = ueye.is_PixelClock(self.input, ueye.IS_PIXELCLOCK_CMD_GET_RANGE, pixel_clock_range, 3 * ueye.sizeof(ueye.UINT()))'pixel_clock max: {pixel_clock_range[0]}, pixel_clock min: {pixel_clock_range[1]}, ret val: {ret}') # set max pixel clock pixel_clock = ueye.c_int(pixel_clock_range[1]) ret = ueye.is_PixelClock(self.input, ueye.IS_PIXELCLOCK_CMD_SET, pixel_clock, ueye.sizeof(pixel_clock)) self.config['pixel_clock'] = pixel_clock.value'Actual pixel clock: {pixel_clock}, ret val: {ret}') # max out frame rate target_frame_rate = ueye.double(self.config.get('fps')) actual_frame_rate = ueye.double(0.0) ret = ueye.is_SetFrameRate(self.input, target_frame_rate, actual_frame_rate) self.config['fps'] = actual_frame_rate.value'Attempted to set frame rate to {target_frame_rate}, ret value: {ret}, actual frame rate: {actual_frame_rate}') # max out exposure target_exposure = ueye.double(self.config.get('exposure')) actual_exposure = ueye.double(0.0) ret = ueye.is_Exposure(self.input, ueye.IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_SET_EXPOSURE, target_exposure, ueye.sizeof(target_exposure)) get_ret = ueye.is_Exposure(self.input, ueye.IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_GET_EXPOSURE, actual_exposure, ueye.sizeof(actual_exposure)) self.config['exposure'] = actual_exposure.value'Attempted to set exposure to {target_exposure}, ret value: {ret}, actual frame rate: {actual_exposure}') # set autofocus limits if self.config.get('focus_min') is not None and self.config.get('focus_max') is not None: limit = ueye.AUTOFOCUS_LIMIT() limit.sMin = ueye.c_int(self.config['focus_min']) limit.sMax = ueye.c_int(self.config['focus_max']) ret = ueye.is_Focus(self.input, ueye.FOC_CMD_SET_AUTOFOCUS_LIMIT, limit, ueye.sizeof(limit)); if ret == ueye.IS_SUCCESS:'Successfully set focus min: {self.config["focus_min"]}, focus max: {self.config["focus_max"]}') else: log.error('Failed to set focus min/max.') # enable autofocus if self.config.get('autofocus'): ret = ueye.is_Focus(self.input, ueye.FOC_CMD_SET_ENABLE_AUTOFOCUS, None, 0) if ret == ueye.IS_SUCCESS:'Successfully set autofocus to {self.config.get("autofocus")}.') else: log.error('Failed to set autofocus.') # enable autogain if self.config.get('autogain'): ret = ueye.is_SetAutoParameter(self.input, ueye.IS_SET_ENABLE_AUTO_GAIN, ueye.double(1), ueye.double(0)) if ret == ueye.IS_SUCCESS:'Successfully set autogain to {self.config.get("autogain")}.') else: log.error('Failed to set autogain.')
[docs] def open(self): '''Opens and initializes ueye camera.''' # initialize camera if(ueye.is_InitCamera(self.input, None) != ueye.IS_SUCCESS): log.error("is_InitCamera ERROR") self.initialize_color_mode() self.initialize_dimensions() self.initialize_memory() self.initialize_modes() self.initialize_camera_settings()
[docs] def read(self): array = ueye.get_data(self.mem_image, self.width, self.height, self.bits_per_pixel, self.pitch, copy=False) timestamp = time.time() frame = np.reshape(array, (self.height.value, self.width.value, self.bytes_per_pixel)) return frame, timestamp
[docs] def close(self): ueye.is_FreeImageMem(self.input, self.mem_image, self.mem_id) ueye.is_ExitCamera(self.input)