Source code for senseye_cameras.input.camera_pylon

import time
import logging
    from pypylon import pylon
    pylon = None

from . input import Input

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# writes the framenumber to the 8-11 bytes of the image as a big-endian set of octets
[docs]def encode_framenumber(np_image, n): for i in range(4): np_image[0][i+7] = n & 0xFF n>>=8
# converts time from a float in seconds to an int64 in microseconds # writes the time to the first 7 bytes of the image as a big-endian set of octets
[docs]def encode_timestamp(np_image, timestamp): t = int(timestamp*1e6) for i in range(7): np_image[0][i] = t & 0xFF t>>=8
[docs]class CameraPylon(Input): ''' Camera that interfaces with pylon/basler cameras. Args: id (int): Id of the pylon camera. config (dict): Configuration dictionary. Accepted keywords: pfs (str): path to a pfs file. encode_metadata (bool): whether to bake in timestamps/frame number into the frame. ''' def __init__(self, id=0, config=None): if pylon is None: raise ImportError('Pylon failed to import. Pylon camera initialization failed.') config = config or {} defaults = { 'pfs': None, 'encode_metadata': False, 'format': 'rawvideo', } Input.__init__(self, id=id, config=config, defaults=defaults) self.read_count = 0
[docs] def configure(self): ''' Pylon camera configuration. Requires the pylon camera to have been opened already. The order of these statements is important. Populates self.config with set values. Logs camera start. ''' if self.config.get('pfs', None): pylon.FeaturePersistence.Load(self.config.get('pfs'), self.input.GetNodeMap()) self.config['pixel_format'] = self.input.PixelFormat.Value self.config['gain'] = self.input.Gain.Value self.config['exposure_time'] = self.input.ExposureTime.Value self.config['res'] = (self.input.Width.Value, self.input.Height.Value) self.config['width'] = self.input.Width.Value self.config['height'] = self.input.Height.Value self.config['fps'] = self.input.ResultingFrameRate.GetValue()
[docs] def open(self): self.read_count = 0 devices = pylon.TlFactory.GetInstance().EnumerateDevices() self.input = pylon.InstantCamera(pylon.TlFactory.GetInstance().CreateDevice(devices[])) self.input.Open() self.configure() self.input.StopGrabbing() self.input.StartGrabbing(pylon.GrabStrategy_LatestImageOnly)
[docs] def read(self): frame = None timestamp = None ret = None if self.input: try: ret = self.input.RetrieveResult(100, pylon.TimeoutHandling_ThrowException) if ret.IsValid(): timestamp = time.time() frame = ret.GetArray() if self.config.get('encode_metadata'): encode_timestamp(frame, timestamp) encode_framenumber(frame, self.read_count) self.read_count += 1 except Exception as e: log.error(f"{str(self)} read error: {e}") if ret: ret.Release() return frame, timestamp
[docs] def close(self): self.read_count = 0 if self.input and self.input.IsOpen(): self.input.Close() self.input = None